Badge Planning Graphic Organizer
I created a set of graphic organizers to help my girls organize their thoughts and think through everything that goes into planning a badge. Please feel free to use the graphic organizer by clicking below! The PDF set comes with four pages–a general badge planner, a task list, a meeting agenda, and a budget/supplies list.
Click Here to Download the Graphic Organizer for Girl Led Badge Planning
In my troop, we do all planning during meetings. Many of my girls do not have the support at home that would allow them to fully plan a badge on their own. This is new territory for us, so we currently have the girls split up into groups of 4 and they spend time planning the badge they want to lead. We supplied them with the badge PDF so they have a guide and we have a support adult available to answer questions and nudge them in the right direction.
It is taking them a long time to plan one badge! We are currently giving them planning time every other meeting and then doing adult led badge work in the off meetings. This is our compromise to keep it interesting and engaging for the girls while still teaching them leadership skills (if they had their way, the adults would lead everything and they would not learn these important skills!).
Trying to become more girl led?
Remember, planning, organizing, and leading are all skills that take time to develop. Handing your girls a PDF of the badge packet and giving them a date to lead is very rarely going to get the results you desire.
Instead, you need to explicitly teach the girls the skills they need to lead a badge.
Give them time
It may seem like a waste of time, but this is what older girl scouting is all about–learning valuable leadership skills! Work planning time into your meetings. Have adults available as advisors and listen as the girls brainstorm their plans.
It won’t happen over night
The first year of Cadettes may feel like more time is spent planning badges with the girls than doing badge work. That’s ok! They are learning to lead. Just remember it’s a process:
- Model how it is done
- Work together to get it done
- Guide them towards independence
- Let them fly!